Thursday, November 1, 2007


I'm a little behind in my blogging, so I'm catching up now. Two weeks ago yesterday, our cat, Maisy, had five kittens! What's crazy about it is that she didn't give us any warning. I was down in our playroom watching TV with Will, and looked over to see her cleaning her "bottom" area. I didn't think anything of it until further inspection revealed a kitten!! I had prepared a cat carrier for her to have her kittens in with Shaun being sure she was going to have them on our new rug. I assured him that, having had pregnant cats growing up, they prefer to go someplace private. Well not our cat! Right on the playroom floor (read: new rug)! I brought the cat carrier over to her and, when the moment was right, picked up the first kitten and the new mom quickly followed behind.

This all started around 8:00 pm, and I finally went up to bed after the fourth one was born (thinking she was done). When Shaun came up to bed around 11:00 pm, he said she had another one! So five was the final number!

I took a few pictures of them today. Their eyes opened last week and they are starting to become more curious to the world around them. They are super cute, but we are giving them all away to good homes (to the chagrin of the kids!).


Erin Moore said...

for the record, we are a "bad home" - too bad, because we really wanted one...

K-Sea said...

Free Kittens! Get em while they are hot.

MaineMom said...

Why are you a "bad home?" Because of Hunter? He'd probably eat one.

Grandma said...

Don't look at me. Remember, I am going to lose my mind in a few years. The cat will outlast me.
EEK! What a horrible thought!