Sunday, October 7, 2007

THE RESULTS...........

We received "the" call this past Friday - the one we waited ten days for. With my breath held, I was told that all the blood work came back clear of Downs Syndrome or Spina Bifida!!

After three weeks of constant worry we can now relax and enjoy this pregnancy! Thanks for the thoughts/prayers!


K-Sea said...

How about the name Jim Rice Casey?

K-Sea said...

Dwight Evans Casey

K-Sea said...

Big Papi Casey

MaineMom said...

How about



The Gawel's said...

I am so happy for you all, that must have been very stressful. We are still keeping you and baby in our thoughts and prayers!

K-Sea said...

Thank you all for your support!

~Seth and Nancy~ said...

yeah!! glad to hear the results came back normal. we'll continue to keep you in our prayers!

Audra said...

I am submitting the following baby names as suggestions!

Beckett William Casey
Beckett Shaun Casey
Beckett Finnegan Casey
Jaeger William casey (we will call him Jack)
Macalister Casey - no middle name its cooler that way!

~Seth and Nancy~ said...

you should post a pregnant picture of yourself! :-D

MaineMom said...

Um......Audra, I'll leave MacAllister and Jaeger to you - '08 is YOUR year!

It seems as though Beckett will be his first name (thanks to Josh Beckett of the Sox and the fact that we wanted an Irish name) and probably Patrick as the middle name (which is Shaun's). But we'll see. He could come out looking like a Carl (that's the name Avery wanted for Will).

Hi Nancy, I'm working on that pregnancy picture!

Grandma said...

I like Bubba Casey.....Jacoby Elsbury Casey!