Monday, July 30, 2007


Will tried on Joelle's karate sparring gear this weekend.

I'm not sure what cracks me up more - his facial expression or his feet.

The kid kills me.


Erin Moore said...

Pretty in Pink.

K-Sea said...

I don't like this...

MaineMom said...

KC5 - Funny, you laughed about it when you saw it.

What don't you like? The pink?

At least I update my blog..........

Erin Moore said...

At least I know that you like to cross-dress all young boys, not just my son. Remember how mad Dirt was when you put Baby Avery in a purple ballerina get up?

Hee hee!

MaineMom said...

Dirt wasn't mad about that.
Dirt was jealous.

K-Sea said...

I updated my blog

Kristy & John said...

I think it is hilarious! What exactly is the padding stuff on his feet - does it just look that way because it is too big?

MaineMom said...

Kristy - yes, the padding on his feet is WAY too big for him so it's all warped looking.