Tuesday, June 5, 2007


The weather today has been so crazy! One minute it's sunny and the next it's thunder/lightening/hailing/down pouring and then it's sunny again.

At one point during the day, Will and I were looking in the back yard. The wind had begun to really pick up and the trees were swinging wildly back and forth. Will goes, "OH MY GOODNESS..it is SO shakin' outside!!" Of course I laughed and then he says, "Shake it girl!!" I'm guessing he meant the large tree in our back yard.

Kids are so funny!


Erin Moore said...

He was talking to me, unbeknownst to you, I was in your backyard at the time, doing my famous hula dance in the woods.

Good times.

Florida/MaineMom said...

Only, Will or should I say little Wendy.

He is the funniest kid I know!